Znc config

From wikinotes


/usr/local/etc/znc (FreeBSD)
${ZNC_ROOT}/configs/znc.conf znc config
${ZNC_ROOT}/configs/znc.pem private key
${ZNC_ROOT}/users/${USER}/ user & uzer/network specific znc-mod configurations

Base Config

# config dirs
sudo mkdir -p          /usr/local/etc/znc/configs
sudo chown -r znc:znc  /usr/local/etc/znc

# create user znc
sudo pw useradd -n znc -g znc  # bsd
sudo useradd -M -g znc znc     # linux

# interactively create config
#   port:       1025
#   SSL:        true
#   user/pass:  <web login>
#   nick:       <irc-nick>
#   alt:        <alt irc-nick>
#   ident:      <irc-nick
#   real name (optional):
#   bind host (optional):
#   setup network:
#       name: freenode
#       host: chat.freenode.net
#       ssl:  yes
#       port: 6697

sudo -u znc znc --makeconf

Base Preferences

https://melody:1025  # web panel

Once it is installed and setup, there isn't much to configure. Mostly you'll want to

   * Your Settings > Default Settings > Buffer Size (5000)           ## keep a large log of all messages to date
   * Your Settings > Flags > Auto Clear Chan Buffer  (off)           ## do not clear messages as soon they have been sent to any client
   * Your Settings > Flags > Auto Clear Query Buffer (off)           ## do not clear messages as soon as they have been sent to any client

SSL Configuration


See instructions: https://wiki.znc.in/Signed_SSL_certificate

First, setup a standalone SSL certificate using certbot.

Next, you'll need to generate the znc.pem by concatenating privkey/fullchain.pem.

cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<yourdomain>/{privkey,fullchain}.pem \
  > /var/lib/znc/.znc/configs/znc.pem

DDNS Solutions


Use ZNC generated SSL cert. I had issues generating my own.

I would prefer to use SSL wherever possible, but using Dynamic DNS is a nono with SSL verification. (invalid hostname error). You have 2x options here:

  • entirely disable SSL verification
  • use the fingerprint of your invalid SSL certificate (safer!)

Disable SSL (unsafe)

/set irc.server.znc.ssl_verify off

Use SSL cert Fingerprint (safer)

# Get SSLcert Fingerpring (on machine hosting znc)
openssl x509 -noout -in /usr/local/etc/znc/znc.pem -fingerprint -sha512	 | sed 's_:__g'	## prints the fingerprint (without the :s)

# Use fingerprint in config (on all weechat clients)
/set irc.server.znc.ssl_fingerprint 0c06e399d3c3597511dc8550848bfd2a502f0ce19883b728b73f6b7e8604243b

ZNC Modules

Make sure to checkout znc modules, there are additional security fixes etc that you may find useful.

Add Networks

You may add several networks(comprising of different urls for each server) to ZNC. Each of these networks will be accessed from the machine hosting ZNC, and will be managed by ZNC (so your sessions are saved etc).

libera.chat irc.libera.chat ssl opensource projects
freenode chat.freenode.net 6697 ssl legacy opensource projects
bitlbee 6667 no ssl bridge for discord, skype, etc. (NOTE 6667, not 6697)
snoonet irc.snoonet.org 6697 ssl subreddit irc

For this example, we'll use snoonet (reddit):

(ZNC) Add Network

from the web-panel:

Networks > Add >
   network name:         bitlbee
	servers of this IRC:  irc.snoonet.org 6667   # +6667 indicates SSL,   6667 indicates non-ssl

(IRC) Connect to Network via ZNC

connect using your irc client:

# add server
/server add snoonet
  -ssl -username=will/snoonet   # user/znc-netwk-name

if using weechat, you'll likely want a different admin page for each server:

/set irc.look.server_buffer independent

See Also: