Xorg usage

From wikinotes

Headless Xorg

sudo pacman -S xorg-server-xvfb
sudo pacman -S x11vnc

long-running xvfb instance

Xvfb :99 &                      # start xvfb on port 99
env DISPLAY=:99  <your command> # before running GUI app

single-app xvfb instance

# start xvfb just for your application
xvfb-run <command>

Manually Xorg Start

# login as non-root user
usermod -aG tty    vagrant   # add user to group 'tty'
usermod -aG video  vagrant   # add user to group 'video'
restart                      # reloads user groups
# /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
allowed_users=console                        # or 'anybody'
rm ~/.Xauthority
touch ~/.Xauthority  # Xorg will rebuild Xauthority using default perms
startx /usr/bin/i3   # choose Xsession you want to start

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