
From wikinotes


I kept running into issues with browser support while using WOAS. I moved to MediaWiki years ago and it's been a much better solution.

Exporting/Importing WOAS

Sometimes if only some of the data is corrupted, you can recover your file simply by re-importing it into a fresh version of WOAS.html

There are 3 versions of woas that have been released:

  • woas 12.0 --- is the last of the official woas releases, it doesn't work with the icedtea plugin in linux.
  • woas 12.0 --- min (not sure what this is)
  • woas-fix --- this is the version I use, but it has a few quirks.

Choose the wrench icon and choose export to .wsif Create the subfolder that is indicated on the export page otherwise it will not work. The default options work fine. Open a fresh copy of woas-fix.html in /internet-explorer/. It is the last easily tracked down, completely compatible browser with woas-fix. From internet explorer you can properly import the .wsif file. It will fail in chrome, and I have been having java permissions issues in firefox.

Java Permissions


Open the Java Control Panel, and on the security tab drag the slider to the very bottom of security. This restores the ability for java to access files on your computer.

You will also want to add exceptions to both ArtNotes.html and TiddlySave.jar to minimize the number of popups that you need to click through every time the wiki is opened.

Java Settings

# Open javaCP 
#Start > Java > Configure Java

# On the security tab slide it all the way to the bottom. The only difference
# is that now java is allowed to access files on your computer.
Click Edit Site List and Add:


# When you get a popup from Java you can choose to allow java to write to the filesystem \
# and never ask again.