Weechat usage

From wikinotes


/help            # print all commands, categorized
/help <command>  # print help for a command

Core Components



if uzing znc you need to add servers using znc

one-time connection

/connect chat.freenode.net

save connection

/server add freenode chat.freenode.net/6667	-ssl
/connect freenode


/set irc.server.freenode.nicks "kaivai,kaivai_"  # Set nick to use automatically on server (comma-separated nicks)
/set irc.server.freenode.autoconnect on	         # Autoconnect to server

test-channel (for bots)

/j #bot-test     # channel that you can test bots in


/j #archlinux          # join archlinux in buffer
/list -re #freebsd-.*  # search channels using regex

/close             # close buffer
/close 4-50        # close buffers numbers 4-50


Every page where communications are listed is a buffer. This includes server homepages like znc, bitlbee, etc.

/b #weechat        # '/b' is abbreviation for buffer
/buffer #weechat   # jump to buffer with channel '#weechat'
/buffer move 5     # move to buffer 5
/buffer swap 3 1   # swap locations of buffer 3/1

Windows (Panes)

/window splith              # split window horizontally
/window splitv              # split window vertically

/window zoom                # toggle maximize current split
/window swap                # swap contents of windows
/window up/down/left/right  # change focus

/window resize h+5          # increase buffer size by 5 (horizontally)

# =======
# vi-mode
# =======
# From __NORMAL__ mode
<c-w>(h/j/k/l)  # change window



/ignore add/del/list  <user>   # ignore pms from user
/invite  <user>                # invite user for private chat
/msg     <user>                # private-chate a user


without vimode

ctrl + r          # initiate search (repeat to toggle regex mode)
tab               # within search, toggle between search-target (pre, pre|msg, msg)
alt-n/p           # jump next/prev search result

with vimode

/                 # initiate search
n/N               # jump next/prev search result

See Weechat script vimode for details.


Away status is useful, since it sets the bar of 'last-viewed'. I believe znc handles this automatically :)

/away working   # set status to away
/away           # return from away