Vscode plugin: vscodevim

From wikinotes

vim emulation layer, and (non-plugin) neovim ex: integration.

vscode is surprisingly very nice. It has sensible commandline arguments, has a small core. My only complaints are for the vim adjustment layer. If I was not a vim user, visualstudio would be my daily driver.


Ctrl+Shift+P: settings
    - foldfix: [x]
    - enable neovim: [x]
    - line numbers: relative
    - neovim path:  /usr/bin/nvim



some vim settings can be modified from ex:. The available functions is greatly extended if you configure vscode to use neovim on the backent.

set [no]hlsearch


While vscode does have Outliner which approximates TagBar, there is so much information and such poor controls that I don't find it particularly useful.

Folding is better, although it screws up relative-line-numbers.


Keymaps are stored in your visualstudio settings.json.

You can find commands by searching your vscode keymaps:

Ctrl + Shift + P:
    keyboard shortcuts:
        - <type searchword> 
        - command listed underneath name in monospace font
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["<leader>", "t", "t"], 
            "commands": ["align.by.regex"]