Viml buffers

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Revision as of 18:36, 20 January 2022 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Buffer Info)
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Buffer Info

help filename-modifiers              " list of filename-modifiers
call expand('%:p')                 " apply filename-modifier to buffer
call fnamemodify('file.txt', ':p')  " apply filename-modifier to string
echo bufname()                     " echo buffer name
echo bufnr()                       " echo buffer number
echo winbufnr('file.txt')           " echo window-number containing buffer named 'file.txt'
:ls                                " list buffers

Custom Buffers

Buffers are any text vim currently has stored in memory. You can use buffers to create your own custom windows from within vim.

Creating Buffers

badd     test              "" Create a new (hidden) buffer called 'test'
b        test              "" Set current window to buffer 'test'
setlocal nomodifiable      "" Make a buffer NOT modifiable
setlocal textwidth=70      "" Restrict a buffer's allowed characters

Insert Text into Buffer

let var = 'abcdefg'			
put     = var                          "" Put contents of a variable onto the next line
execute ":normal i" . strftime("%c")   "" Put contents of a variable at cursor (without newline)

Buffer Hotkeys

Buffers can have custom hotkeys associated to them, typically if you want to do anything useful with them, you'll need to perform an operation on some text, which is recognized by regex.

:map <buffer>	<cr> :echo 'hello'<CR>           "" Not that <buffer> is a word, not the name of the buffer. 
                                                "" This action is performed on the current buffer.


Simple Menu

function! SimpleMenu()

	"" Build Buffer
	badd      colourswap_buffer
	vert sb   colourswap_buffer

   "" Draw Buffer Contents
   put ='-- Change Colourscheme --'
   put =' '
	put ='  itemA'
	put ='  itemB'
	put ='  itemC'

	call MenuColours()
	setlocal nomodifiable
   vert resize 40

   " Select MenuItem
	map <buffer>      <cr>        "ayy:   let sel=@a<CR>:   call ExecMenuItem( sel )<CR>

   " Close Window
	map <buffer>      q           :call CloseMenu()<CR>
	map <buffer>      <leader>q   :call CloseMenu()<CR>
	map <buffer>      qq          :call CloseMenu()<CR>


function! MenuColours()
   syn match clrMenu_title '^[a-zA-Z_\\\- 0-9]\+$'
   highlight clrMenu_title cterm=bold ctermfg=070

   syn match clrMenu_text ' \+[a-zA-Z_\\\- 0-9]\+$'
   highlight clrMenu_text ctermfg=102


function! CloseMenu()
   bd colourswap_buffer

   "get curent filepath without file
   if filereadable('colourswap_buffer')
      call delete('colourswap_buffer')

function! ExecMenuItem( sel )
	let sel = a:sel

   " Extract word from yanked line
   let sel = substitute(sel, '[^a-zA-Z_\\\-]', '', 'g')

	echo sel
