Vagrant: troubleshooting

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manual box install

Occasionally in the past, the vagrant website was too busy, or had incorrect redirects. If you can find the box, you can add it manually.

cd ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/                           # location boxes are stored
vagrant box add  --name "centos/7"  # import a box as name

resize vagrant Box

Grow Disk Image

cd ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/{box}/{date}/virtualbox

# backup previous image
cp vagrant.vmdk vagrant.vmdk.old

# clone .vmdk to .vdi (which can be resized)
VBoxManage clonehd "vagrant.vmdk" "vagrant.vdi" --format vdi

# resize copy
VBoxManage modifyhd "vagrant.vdi"

# replace vmdk
VBoxManage clonehd "vagrant.vdi" "vagrant.vmdk" --format vmdk

Resize Partition/Filesystem within Image

# You shouldn't do this while the filesystem is mounted

# grow partition
gpart resize -i -s 47G -a 4k ada0

# grow filesystem
growfs /dev/ada0p2

resize vagrant VM


cd ~/VirtualBox VMs/<vagrant box>
VBoxManage clonehd   in.vmdk   out.vdi   --format VDI  # C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
VBoxManage modifyhd box.vdi --resize 40960             # (1024M * 40GB)


<box> > settings:
    storage > Controller: SATA:
         rclidk > Add Hard Drive:
             choose existing: out.vdi

# also remove original


sudo cfdisk             # use cfdisk to resize disk

vagrant ssh fails

SSH problems when using vagrant are an enormous pain because they prevent you from having a fully functional vagrant setup, and testing it means constantly rebuilding your VM. Here are some of the issues that I have encountered:

  • make sure that ~/.ssh has the permissions 700.

vboxsf missing

When attempting to create the virtualbox shared-folders, if it is unable to create the share, an error will be thrown about this.

Common Culprits:

  • virtualbox-guest-additions are not installed in the guest (generally an installable package)
  • the user 'vagrant' does not exist in the box.