Star Citizen

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Revision as of 15:30, 2 July 2022 by Will (talk | contribs)
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Cannot Login to Launcher

Delete Star Citizen's patcher's config.

C:/Program Files/Cloud Imperium Games/Patcher/config


Delete star citizen user dir C:/Program Files/Roberts Space Industies/.../USER.

Steam Overlay

This is definitely the kind of game that can benefit from having notes on-hand.

Simply add

C:/Program Files/Cloud Imperium Games/Star Citizen/bin64/starcitizen.exe

to steam.



They hotkeys, and gameplay mechanics change periodically. This was updated in 3.6.


Ground General

F4/insert  ## toggle 1st/3rd person
F12        ## chat interface
F1         ## MobiGlass
Z          ## free look
F          ## use key
F11        ## contacts
R_Alt \    ## show cursor in contacts

Ground Combat

V          ## toggle holster weapon
C          ## toggle fire mode
T          ## toggle flashlight


space      ## strafe up
L_CTRL     ## strafe down
W,A,S,D    ## strafe fwd,bkwd,left,right
N          ## toggle landing gear
V          ## switch between precision/cruise/combat navigation modes
           #  (default flying is (gsafe,none) )
B          ## (tap) quantum-leap (hold) travel once charged (select target in mobiglass first)
L_Alt T    ## toggle headlights
F          ## (when stopped) exit your ship, float in space
N          ## (hold) when hovering over landing pad to auto-land

Space Combat

G          ## cycle secondary weapons
T          ## nearest hostile
Y          ## cycle all hostile
U          ## cycle all friendly
I          ## cycle all targets (friendly/hostile)

1          ## increase power weapons
2          ## increase power shields
3          ## increase power engines
0          ## reset default power-settings

numpad     ## set shields to stronger/weaker in front/rear side etc.
numpad 5   ## reset shields to default



Joystick notes are oUt of date. Replace with diagram.


## thumb
5          ## Fire countermeasures
6          ## (hold) boost (faster strafing)
7          ## (hold) afterburner (much faster forward accel)
  8        ## cycle countermeasures

## fingers
rocker     ## strafe left/right
R2(9)      ##
L2(10)     ## Toggle Landing Gear


R1 (trigger)     ## Fire primary weapon
R3 (alt-trigger) ## Switches engines from coupled/decoupled (appears to lock engines in current direction?)

hat (defaults)
  up             ## reticle focus (targeting system alteration)
  down           ## cycle all targets
  left           ## nearest target
  right          ## cycle hostile targets

L1 (2)(striped)  ## Fires Secondary weapon (if you have one!)
L3 (4)           ## Fires missile (possibly acquires lock) (if you have them)


# for the most part the controls were very sensible
# made 1x change:
- Keybind:
    - Flight Movement:
        - Speed Limiter (Abs):   (bind to joystick throttle)

    - Space Brake:
        - Bind to 7


Take Off

- enter vehicle
- hold 'F', power on
- hold 'F', start engine
- strafe up (space, or joystick-hat)
- strafe forwards
- initiate cruise-control ('C')
- throttle forwards away from space station
- raise landing gear ('L')

Quantum Leap


  • If a quantum leap target is obstructed, try flying to a nearby planet, and jumping from there.
  • If spooling is misbehaving, clear selection then reselect.
- mobiglass (F1)
- skyline tab  # lmb(rotate), mmb(zoom), rmb(move)
- click a space station, or system
- spool quantum drive ('B')
- point ship at target, wait for spool to complete
- engage quantum drive (hold 'B')


- hold 'F', refresh communications when near space station
- hold 'F', contact space station (wifi signal)
- fly around space station, landing pad will be highlighted in neon coloured square
- deploy landing gear ('L')
- strafe into landing pad to land


- land at a station. Olisar normally works, R&R are hit/miss (v3.6).
- without leaving cockpit, mobiglass (F1) and go to the repair/refuel tab
- click on the options you'd like
- click 'accept'