Sphinx syntax

From wikinotes

linking to rst files

Links to rst files are made relative to build/html. If in doubt, build your sphinx-docs and determine paths based on the output file locations.

* :doc:`_api/qconcurrency.threading`   # relative path
* :doc:`/foo/bar`                      # absolute path
* :doc:`my title <foo/bar>`            # alternate title for link

You can also use intersphinx to refer to other pages using :ref:.

See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-ref

Documenting per-class

sphinx-apidoc is the builtin tool to handle api generation, but it is not the only option. See the following directives:

.. automodule::
.. autoclass::
.. autofunction::
.. autoclass:: qconcurrency.widgets.DictModelQMenu

debugging exceptions

sphinx-build -P    #  launch pdb if sphinx encounters error (sphinx errors, not rendering errors)