Rust variables

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Revision as of 00:02, 7 February 2023 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Assignment)


You may declare variables in rust, but it is not necessary.

let foo: u8;


let age: u8 = 200;   // typed
let age = 200u8;     // type-suffix
let age = 200;       // implied type
let age: i32 = age;  // type cast from 'u8' to 'i32'


Literal types can be declared without assigning a type.

let float = 3.14;  // f64
let integer = 7;  // i32


Constants can be declared in any scope (including global).
constants cannot be changed once assigned.
memory addresses for the same const will not be the same (const is inlined where used).

const SALT: &str = "$6$r1ohStL5/UwpNnls";  // inlined where used
static RETRIES: i8 = 5;                    // not-inlined where used (same mem-addr)


Variable scope is bound to the block they are defined in { ... }.
Blocks may be defined arbitrarily to create inner scopes.
Variables defined in outer scopes are accessible in inner scopes.

fn foo() {
  let foo = 1;
    println!("{}", foo);

Access Control

Everything is private in rust by default, unless explicitly declared otherwise.
Elements are declared public with the pub modifier.

fn foo() { ... }      // private function
pub fn foo() { ... }  // public function

Mutability and Freezing

All variables are immutable by default in rust.
You can make them mutable with the mut modifier.

let mut age: i8 = 30;
age += 1;

You can bind mutable variables as immutable within inner scopes.
This will prevent them from being modified within that scope.
This is known as freezing a variable.

let mut age: i8 = 30;

  let age = age; // immutable until block scope ends

Shadowing/Type Conversion

let num = "32";
let num: i8 = num.parse().unwrap();  // converts 'str' to 'i8'


Easiest way is to call a method on it that doesn't exist.
the stacktrace will have the type.

let foo = 123;
foo.cuss();  // <-- invalid method