Rust variables

From wikinotes


You may declare variables in rust, but it is not necessary.

let foo: u8;


let age: u8 = 200;   // typed
let age = 200u8;     // type-suffix
let age = 200;       // implied type


Literal types can be declared without assigning a type.

let float = 3.14;  // f64
let integer = 7;  // i32


Constants can be declared in any scope (including global).
constants cannot be changed once assigned.

const SALT: &str = "$6$r1ohStL5/UwpNnls";
static RETRIES: i8 = 5;


Variable scope is bound to the block they are defined in { ... }.
Blocks may be defined arbitrarily to create inner scopes.
Variables defined in outer scopes are accessible in inner scopes.

fn foo() {
  let foo = 1;
    println!("{}", foo);

Access Control

Everything is private in rust by default, unless explicitly declared otherwise.
Elements are declared public with the pub modifier.

fn foo() { ... }      // private function
pub fn foo() { ... }  // public function

Mutability and Freezing

All variables are immutable by default in rust.
You can make them mutable with the mut modifier.

let mut age: i8 = 30;
age += 1;

You can bind mutable variables as immutable within inner scopes.
This will prevent them from being modified within that scope.
This is known as freezing a variable.

let mut age: i8 = 30;

  let age = age; // immutable until block scope ends


Easiest way is to call a method on it that doesn't exist.
the stacktrace will have the type.

let foo = 123;
foo.cuss();  // <-- invalid method