Rust anatomy

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Project Components

A rust project comprises of

packages build/test/share a collection of crates
crates tree of modules that build a single library, or executable
modules organize scope/privacy of paths
paths files ?


A package is a collection of crates.

  • it may have multiple executable crates
  • it may only have one library crate


A crate is a build target for rust.
It can be either a library or an executable.

If a package only has a single library/executable, the crate type can be implied from the source files.

src/   # if this exists, crate is a library
src/  # if this exists, crate is an executable

You can also specify multiple crates for your package in Cargo.toml.

# Cargo.toml

# ...

name = "foo"  # refers to src/bin/

name = "bar"  # refers to src/bin/

[lib]  # <-- single '['s
# refers to 'src/', unless 'path' overrides it


Modules contain groups of related srcfiles.
modules are private to their parents by default, and public to their child modules.
the name/namespace of the module mirrors it's filesystem location.
the use keyword can merge a module or one of it's elements into the current namespace.

See more details in rust modules.