Ruby variables: Difference between revisions

From wikinotes
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Latest revision as of 18:56, 28 April 2020


# local variables
variable  = "some string"                      # local variables lowercase variables, start [a-z_] 
_variable = "some other string"

# global variables
$variable = "I'm global"                       # global variables begin with '$'

# objects
@variable  = "attached to my class-instance"   # instance variable
@@variable = "a class variable"                # class variable

# constants
MY_VARIABLE = "test"                           # constants are marked by a capitalized first-letter
My_Variable = "test"                           # ruby issues warning when a constant is reassigned to a new value.


variable = "foo"

Environment Variables

ENV['HOSTNAME'] = "myhostname"

Type Conversion

2.to_f         ## to Float
2.to_i         ## to Integer (FixNum)
2.to_s         ## to String

Object Introspection

# retrieve an object's class
=> NilClass

=> main

# get file object class was defined in

# certain keywords allow you to get information
# about the current namespace:
methods               # list of methods
instance_variables    # list of instance variables

Freezing Variables

You can freeze a variable, preventing other objects from accessing it (results in TypeError).

variable = Person("me")
variable.rename("you")  # raises TypeError

dup/clone (shallow copy, deep copy)

dup shallow copy, new instances of attributes?
clone shallow copy, same instances of attributes?