Ruby jekyll components

From wikinotes


   _config.yml               # jekyll configuration
   _drafts/                 # unpublished posts
   _includes/               # html/css/javascript snippets that you'd like to reuse in one of your site templates
   _layouts/                # various layouts for your posts. (layouts are chosen on a post-by-post basis)
   _data/                   # a place for json,yaml, or csv files that are accessible via jinja
   _sass/                   # like includes, but for sass preprocessed stylesheets
   index.(md|html|textile)  # your site's main page


mkdir _includes
touch _includes/post-standard.css    # create your CSS snippet, or full stylesheet
title:  "A Title"
<style type="text/css">
{% include post-standard.css %}


Layouts are HTML templates.

# find and copy layout to ${blog}/_layouts/
ls ~/.gem/ruby/gems/jekyll-*.*.*/lib/theme_template/_layouts
#### <blog>/_layouts/post.html
layout: default

<style type="text/css">
{% include post-standard.css %}

{{ content }}
