Rogue system

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This is the coolest thing ever. A realistic space flight sim, complete with pre-flight checklists orbital calculations, and individual system damage.



MMB    # zoom in on controls
F1-F4  # camera modes

WSAD         # movement
Shift + W/S  # up/down

Ship SubSystems

LO Left Overhead
RO Right Overhead
L Left Control
F Center Control (MDF - Multi Display Field)
R Right Control
LO:CSS  # Life Support Systems
LO:COMM # Communications
LO:CSSM # Core Ship System Manager

L:RCM   # Reactor Core Management
L:TMS   # Temperature Management System
L:LENR  # Low Energy Nuclear Reactor
L:MTS   # Maneuvering Thruster System
L:MES   # Main Engine System
L:NAS   # Navigation/Autopilot System



Your ship is equipped with a handful of channels for communication.

  • Channel Open: initiating contact with unknown ships
  • Channel 1: private communications
  • Other Channels: multi-purpose, setup as needed during docking procedures etc.
F:COMMS:left: Chnl 2
# select boxes, and type on keypad to enter channel frequency,
# then pres SET (lower right)

# if you want frequency to be used as a localizer (?)
# press 'SET LOC' button



Instrumentation on

- enter ship seat
- LO:CSSM: Seat Mode=True
- LO:CSSM: Inst Light=True

Tie Batteries to System Bus

In case of accidental loss of power.

# BATT 1
- RO:BATT1: Batt 1=True
- F: Fault Ack
- RO:BATT: Batt to Sys Bus 1=True
   - RO:ECS:display Sys Bus 1     # CHECK: available power to SYS BUS 1 (should be blue)
   - RO:ECS:        Sys 1         # CHECK: should display 'SYS 1' and not 'SYS 1 NO PWR'
- RO:ECS: Ext Power
   - RO:ECS: batt 1 charge # CHECK: battery 1's charge should no longer be draining

# BATT 2
- RO:BATT2: Batt 2=True
- RO:BATT:  Battery Select=BATT 2
- RO:BATT:  Batt to Sys Bus 2=True
   - RO:ECS:display: Sys Bus 2     # CHECK: available power to SYS BUS 1 (should be blue)
   - RO:ECS:         Sys 2         # CHECK: should display 'SYS 1' and not 'SYS 1 NO PWR'
   - RO:ECS:         Charge        # CHECK: underneath charge, should indicate battery 2
   # Ext Power only affects battery 1, battery2 will be draining

Enable Fuel Cells

Fuel Cells serve as backups to the Reactor Core (LEN).

- RO:FCS: Fuell Cell 1=True
   - RO:ECS: Core Temp   # CHECK: Core Temperature should be rising
   # Do not tie FuelCell, can damage the Reactor Core
   # while simply activated, no consumables will be consumed,
   # and fuel-cell temps will be brought up so they are ready for use

- RO:FCS: Fuel Cell 2=True
- RO:FCS: Fuel Cell Select=Fuel Cell 2
   - RO:ECS: Core Temp   # CHECK: Core Temperature should be rising

Systems Temp Management

The ship temperatures are managed by 2x systems:

  • the Radiator/Coolant Pumps
  • the Radiation Balanced Laser Cooler bypasses (RBLC)
- L:TMS: Tm Sys=True

# pressurize/enable coolant pumps (LOOP 1)
- L:TMS: cl circ pump spd=Low       # CHECK: pump speed should b e low before enabling pump
   - L:TMS: Cl Tank BLadder=Pressurized
      - L:TMS: clnt press              # WAIT: for pressure to reach just over 100psi
      - L:TMS: cl circ pump pwr= True  
      - L:TMS: cl circ pump spd= Normal 
- L:TMS: cl rblc power=True

# pressurize/enable coolant pumps (LOOP 2)
- L:TMS: Loop Selector = 2
- L:TMS: cl circ pump spd=Low       # CHECK: pump speed should b e low before enabling pump
   - L:TMS: Cl Tank Bladder= Pressurized
      - L:TMS: clnt press              # WAIT: for pressure to reach just over 100psi
      - L:TMS: cl circ pump pwr= True  
      - L:TMS: cl circ pump spd= Normal 
- L:TMS: cl rblc power=True

# enable HVAC
- LO:LSS: Cabin Hvac=True

Enable Communications

- LO:COMM: Sys Power=True
- LO:COMM: Xmtr Pwr=True   # radio transmitter

Request Departure

- (TAB) Comms Menu:
   - (5) Space Traffic Control
   - (1) Check In                     # WAIT: for reply

- (TAB) Comms Menu:
   - (5) Space Traffic Control
   - (2) Request Departure Clearance  # WAIT: for reply

Enable Reactor (LENR)

This provides high-voltage power, enables you to charge your batteries.

- L:LENR: Lenr Sys Pwr=True

# LENR must be near operating temperature to start reactor
- L:LENR: Core Heater=True
- L:LENR:display: Core Temp          # CHECK: the core temp should be raising

# Enable Reactant Core (required for fusion that provides energy)
- L:RCM: Rcm Sys Power=True
- L:RCM: Tank1=pressurized
- L:RCM: Tank2=pressurized
- L:RCM: Tank3=pressurized
- L:RCM: Tank4=pressurized
- L:RCM: Tank Select                 # CHECK: each tank should be pressurized at 100psi

Validate Reactor Core

# Validate LENR working
- L:LENR: Validate Reactant=set
   - L:LENR:display: Tank 2          # CHECK: that tank2 is selected
   - L:LENR: Validate Reactant=valid # CHECK: the original button should indicate that the tank is valid

- L:LENR Validate Reactant=unset/set
   - L:LENR:display: Tank 4          # CHECK: that tank4 is selected
   - L:LENR: Validate Reactant=valid # CHECK: the original button should indicate that the tank is valid

Validate Fuel Cells

- RO:FCS: Fuel Cell Selector=fcs 2   # CHECK: Fuel Cell Selector should still be on fuel-cell2
- RO:FCS: Validate=True
- RO:FCS: Purge Contam=auto on

- RO:FCS: Fuel Cell Selector=fcs 1
- RO:FCS: Validate=True
- RO:FCS: Purge Contam=auto on

# Fuel Cells are now warmed up/ready in case of emergency.
# at that point, you may tie one or both to one or both system buses
# WARNING: Verify that core temps are high before tying fuel cell

Setup Monitor for Undocking

- F:Displays:center: Pwr Set=True              # activate display
- F:Displays:left:  Aft Towing                 # rear camera for takeoff
- F:Displays:center: Ext Dock                  # show docking info on HUD

- F:EA/D PORTS:left: Ext Port 2                # find the port that you are docked with (might be one, two, ...)
- F:EA/D PORTS:center: Set As Docking Target

- F:NAVIGATION                                 # activate navigation view

- L:NAS: Nas Sys Power=True
- F:NAVIGATION:                                # find yourself in orbit (the ship-shaped triangle)

Activate Reactor Core (LENR)

Activating the Reactor Core requires permission from the port you are docked with.

# Request Permission & Activate
- L:LENR:display: Core Temp  # CHECK: core temperature should be in green (with the heater cycling on/off to keep it at this temp)

- (TAB) Communications:
   - (5) Space Station
   - (1) Ready to activate LENR
   - # WAIT: for confirmation and permission

- L:LENR: Fuse Allow=True   # Enable LENR
- RO:ECS:display: Main      # CHECK: main should have a blue bar, indicating reactor power
- RO:ECS:Main               # should be green, indicating power

# Tie Main Power System Bus (instead of batteries)
- RO:ECS: Main to Sys Bus 1=True
- RO:ECS: Main to Sys Bus 2=True
- RO:ECS: Main to Util Bus=True

# Remove Station as Power Source
- RO:ECS: Ext Power=False

# Charge Batteries from MAIN
- RO:BATT: Battery Selector=2  # CHECK: we are charging battery 2
- RO:BATT: Charge Allow=True  
   - RO:ECS:display: Charge    # CHECK: battery 2 should be charging

- RO:BATT: Battery Selector=1  # CHECK: we are charging battery 1
- RO:BATT: Charge Allow=True  
   - RO:ECS:display: Charge    # CHECK: battery 2 should be charging

Enable Cold-Gas Propulsion

Using the MTS super heated plasma thrusters is forbidden within a space-station (because it may cause injury to the station/personnel). For this reason you may temporarily activate the less efficient cold-gas propulsion system.

- L:MTS: mts power=True 
- L:MTS: validate prop=True  # CHECK: should be valid
- L:MTS: prop injector=True

Activate Lights

LO:CSSM: Docking Light=True
LO:CSSM: Ext Flood Light=True
LO:CSSM: Nav Light=True

Request Permission for TakeOff

- (TAB) Communications Menu:
   - (1) Space Station
   - (2) Ready for Departure
   - # WAIT: the station will broadcast the frequency to use for instructions

- F:COMMS:  # set frequency
- F:COMMS: Set Loc      # if requested to tune localizer, activate 'Set Loc'
                        # after setting frequency
# WAIT: the station will release you - you're in space!

- F:DISPLAY:left: forward  # remember you are viewing the rear camera right now. 
                           # You'll likely want to change this