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redshift is a commandline program inspired by f.lux to modify your computer's colour temperature for reduced eye strain depending on the time of day. If it's working properly you won't notice a thing until it has been turned off. There is a CLI version of F.lux, but it only supports a single screen. Redshift supports multiple screens.

Warm Screen

### Install
pacman -S redshift

### Start/test colour
redshift -l 45:-75

### Autostart redshift
sudo cp /usr/lib/systemd/user/redshift.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl start redshift
sudo systemctl enable redshift
#  (I had issues starting it with systemd, so I've temporarily added it to my .start script)

#### ~/.config/redshift.conf

Darken Screen

If the warm tone isn't enough, you can also darken your screen below the hardware amount using xrandr.

xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 0.4