Redis syntax

From wikinotes

This page describe's redis' native protocol.
Libraries may abstract it, but the base featureset is exposed here.



KEYS '*'    # list all keys
TYPE key    # return type of key
EXISTS key  # return 1 if exists
TTL key     # show key's TTL


# delete
DEL key                            # delete key

# set
SET   foo 1                        # set key 'foo' to value 'bar'
MSET  key-1 val-1 key-2 val-2 ...  # set multiple keys at once

# get
GET   foo     # get val of key 'foo'

# special setters
SETNX foo 1                        # set key 'foo' if not exists
INCR  foo                          # +1 key value
GETSET foo bar                     # set 'foo' to 'bar' and return prev value of 'foo'


EXPIRE foo 5       # key 'foo' will be deleted in 5s
SET foo bar ex 5   # key 'foo' set to 'bar', and will be deleted in 5s