Python qt: eventhandlers

From wikinotes

Events are generated when mouse buttons are clicked, keys are pressed, windows are selected etc. You can rewrite, or create instances of these event handlers so that they behave exactly how you want them to. Events mostly seem to be listed under the class QtGui.QWidget

Simple Example

class Example( QtGui.QDialog ):
	def __init__(self):										## Build QDialog
		super(Example, self).__init__()
	def initUI(self):

	def keyPressEvent(self, e):							## Close Window if EscapeKey pushed
		if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:

      modifiers = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers()
      if modifiers == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier:
          if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_T:
              print('Shift + T pressed')

	def leaveEvent(self, e):								## Close Window if becomes Unfocused

Drag And Drop

class DropButton( QtGui.QPushButton ):							## Custom Button Class
	""" Button Accepting Dragged Text """
	def __init__(self, title, parent):
		super(DropButton, self).__init__(title, parent)
		self.setAcceptDrops(True)									 # Allow Drops to be Accepted

	def dragEnterEvent(self, e):									 # Define dataTypes to accept
		if e.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'): e.accept() 
		else:                                    e.ignore() 

	def dropEvent(self, e):											 # Method to perform on drop
		self.setText(e.mimeData().text())						 # (ovewrite button label)

class Example( QtGui.QDialog ):									## Main Window
	""" Main Window """
	def __init__(self):
		super(Example, self).__init__()

	def initUI(self):
		from PySide  import QtCore, QtGui
		from wpyside import newUI

		qe  = QtGui.QLineEdit( 'Drag Me to Btn', self )		 # Text Field
		qe.setDragEnabled(True)										 # (allow text to be dragged)

		btn = DropButton( 'Button', self )						 # custom button (above)

		hl  = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()									 # horizontalLayout
		hl.addWidget(qe )

		self.setLayout( hl )