Python datatypes

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mutable vs immutable

MUTABLE: lists, dict, set The object containing your variable data can be changed.
IMMUTABLE: bool, string, int, long, tuple, frozenset The object containing your variable data cannot be changed. (for new data, python creates separate new object)


If two variables refer to the same mutable object, changing either variable changes the other.

listA= ['a','b','c']
listB= listA				# both listB and listA point to object of listA now

listA[2]= 'z'
listA, listB # ['a', 'z', 'c'], ['a', 'z', 'c']

Non-Nested Datatypes

The solution is to copy your original data into an entirely new object.

listA= ['a','b','c'] 
listB= listA[:]			# taking full slice of listA forces creation of new object

Nested Datatypes

import copy

listA = [ ['a','b'], ['c','d'] ]
listB = copy.deepcopy(listA)



str = 'text'

str[0]       # Prints first character of the string
str[2:5]     # Prints characters starting from 3rd to 5th
str[2:]      # Prints string starting from char after 2
str * 2      # Prints string two times
str.upper()  # string as all uppercase
str.lower()  # string as all lowercase

string formatting

'{} {}-items found'.format(3, 'list')                                 # substitute each {} with an item
'{found} {type}-items found'.format(**{'found':3, 'list':'list'})     # dict-substitution
sys.stdout.write("{:<7}{:<51}{:<25}\n".format(code, name, industry))  # left/right alignment and preformatted spacing

See str.format

string templating

# less strict than formatting
import string

template = string.Template('my name is ${firstname} ${lastname}')
>>> 'my name is will ${lastname}'


>>> ['a','b','c.txt']

>>> '/a/b/c.txt'


>>> '00015'


int   = 123    # int
long  = 123L   # long (very big integers)
float = 123.0  # float (a C double object)



Mutable, resizable collection of items (of any type).

list                                # Prints complete list
list[0]                             # Prints first element of the list
list[1:3]                           # Prints elements starting from 2nd till 3rd 
list[2:]                            # Prints elements starting from 3rd element
list * 2                            # Prints list two times
list + tinylist                     # Prints concatenated lists

list.append(4,5)                    # adds to the end of the list  ex: ["abc", "efg", "4", "5"]
list.append([4,5])                  # list entry is a list 4,5     ex: ["abc", "efg"] ["4", "5"]
list.remove(4)                      # removes 4 from list
list.index('abc')                   # returns index of listItem 'abc'
list.pop(0)                         # remove listItem at index 0
",".join(['a', 'b'])                # join list items by a comma

['cat','dog','fish'].index('dog')   # Returns index number of entry 'dog' in list
'a' in ['a','b','c']                # Prints True or False if item exists in list
max([1, 36, 2])                     # prints highest number in list
min([1, 36, 2])                     # prints lowest number in list
len([1, 36, 2])                     # prints number of entries in list

[x for x in ('a','b','c')]              # list-comprehension. produces a list ['a','b','c']
[x for x in ('a','b','c') if x == 'a']  # list-comprehension with if


immutable collection of items (of any type).

tuple = tuple()          # empty tuple
tuple = (,)              # empty tuple

tuple = (1,2,3)          # tuple with items 1,2,3
tuple[1]                 # refers to '2'

tuple[1:]                # items with index 1-onwards
tuple[:-1]               # items before last index
tuple[1:-1]              # items between 1st/last item


mutable, unordered collection of unique items.

set = set()
set = {1,2,3}

set.issubset({1,2})                 # {1,2} is made entirely from items in var ?
set.issuperset({1,2,3,4})           # {1,2,3,4,5} contains all items from var ?
set.union({4,5})                    # items from both {4,5} and var
set.difference({3,4,5})             # {3,4,5} with items from var removed from it

set.add(4)                          # add item to set (ignored if already exists)
set.pop(4)                          # remove item from set


mutable collection of key-value pairs. Can be nested.

dict = {}
dict = {'a':123, 'b':456}

del dict['a']                                # remove item 'a' from dict
dict.pop('a')                                # remove/return item 'a' from dict
dict.get('a',None)                           # retrieve value of 'a', default to None

collection variations


Defines an arbitrary type, a self-documenting tuple. Even the repr is updated so that you know what the item is, and what each assignment is. Think of this like a faster, immutable dictionary.

import collections

cartype = collections.namedtuple('car',['model','license','year'])
car = cartype('honda', 'BHXZ921', 2018)
car = cartype(model='honda', license='BHXZ921', year=2018)

print(car.year)                #> 2018
print(car.model)               #> 'honda'



