Programming: Design

From wikinotes

SOLID Design Principles

enum vs object


  • enums are better than magic-numbers (less misleading)
  • enums may lead to duplicated conditionals (leading to shotgun-surgery)

  • injected-objects can fully encapsulate a behaviour (no conditionals)
  • injected objects are more intimidating to users (requires reading, finding, satisfying injected obj deps)

use enums

  • to represent related objects that do not imply specific behaviour (ex: weekdays)
  • for data that gets serialized (where behaviours cannot be encoded)

use injected-objects:

  • everywhere else
    • better for testing
    • better for flexibility
    • better for introducing new behaviours without introducing breaks


  • beginner-friendly directing users to use other objects can be tricky. In this instance, I'll create the self-encapsulating object (still simplifies testing), but accept a string value as well. It is not perfect, but it should keep everyone happy.

See Also