Nvim-treesitter install

From wikinotes


pacaur -S neovim-nightly-bin   # NOTE: requires neovim-nightly!
pacman -S tree-sitter \
          tar \


Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}

Language Parsers

:TSInstallInfo      " show available/installed parsers
:TSInstall python   " install parser
:TSUpdate           " update all parsers
# provision parser installs outside of vim:
nvim -c ':TSInstallSync! python' -c ':quit'

Parser Modules

After installing a parser, you gain aceess to various features like syntax-highlighting, indentation, folding, etc.
These are disabled by default.
Enable them in your init.vim

:TSBufEnable python
:TSEnableAll python