No man's sky controls

From wikinotes

On Foot

wasd: move
q:    melee
z:    build
f:    scanner goggles
g:    terrain modifier

Thrustmaster T Flight X Hotas

HOTAS setups are not supported natively.
Use x360ce to map your HOTAS to xbox360 controller controls.


you may need to check Enable 1 Mapped Device


you cannot modify x360ce mappings while in game

L2: thrust backwards
R2: thrust forwards

L1: joy left   # roll left
R1: joy right  # roll right

Y:  Button-6 # change weapon mode
X:  Button-7 # land/exit ship
B:  Button-5 # boost

A:  trigger  # fire weapons

L Stick Axis X: joy twist   # yaw (left/right)
L Stick Axis Y: joy up/down # pitch (up/down)  !! manually assign from dropdown: inverted > Axis 6

D-Pad Down:  pov-down  # open galaxy map
D-Pad Up:    pov-up    # 
D-Pad Left:  pov-left  # 
D-Pad Right: pov-right #

As loadable preset
