Ms office

From wikinotes

preview in terminal

pandoc -f docx file.docx | w3m -T text/html

convert to pdf/markdown

# convert to html
pandoc -f docx input.docx

# convert to pdf
pandoc -o output.pdf -f docx input.docx

run in wine

Related Packages:

Repo - icoutils
     - libwbclient
     - gcc-multilib
     - samba

AUR - ttf-ms-fonts
    - lib32-libbsd

Known issues:

I have had problems where gcc could not create the executable file when attempting to install wine the multi-lib way. ( I was able to solve this by installing gcc-multilib.

Wine can have trouble reading from mounted cds (cifs filesystem). It is preferable to mount the filesystem, then copy it somewhere else on your computer. Wine is always a bit experimental, and you benefit a lot from their updates so rather than using the wine version from the repo, I have decided to use the bleeding edge version from git (see above).

export WINEARCH="win32" export WINEPREFIX="/home/will/.wine/x86"

winetricks msxml3
winetricks msxml6

wine ~/Downloads/Office2010/setup.exe
## create shortcuts in /usr/bin
## make sure that you export the WINEARCH and WINEPREFIX so 
## that each program uses x86 or x64 architecture based on 
## it's needs/compatibility in wine.

' Note ' dmenu will not load shellscripts, even if they are located in $PATH. However, if you create a symbolic link dmenu will see it as an executable.

export WINEARCH="win32"
export WINEPREFIX="/home/will/.wine/x86"

exec env WINEPREFIX="/home/will/.wine/x86" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/will/.wine/x86/dosdevices/c:/users/will/Start\ Menu/Programs/Microsoft\ Office/Microsoft\ Word\ 2010.lnk

export WINEARCH="win32"
export WINEPREFIX="/home/will/.wine/x86"

exec env WINEPREFIX="/home/will/.wine/x86" wine C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /Unix /home/will/.wine/x86/dosdevices/c:/users/will/Start\ Menu/Programs/Microsoft\ Office/Microsoft\ Excel\ 2010.lnk