Maya Linux General Install Notes

From wikinotes


maya's bundled fonts
maya's default font-settings (change fonts here)

modifying default fonts

/usr/autodesk/maya2017/app-defaults/MayaScheme defines all of maya's default fonts. You can replace them with fonts that you actually have to prevent annoying errors, or change them to something more desirable. The program xfontsel is very useful to see what fonts you actually have available.

installing dependent fonts

See Also Linux Fonts.

failed attempts

package fonts Getting the correct fonts to be recognized by maya can be difficult. The most frequently recommended packages do not seem to be working for me:

  • ms-fonts-100dpi
  • ms-fonts-75dpi

bundled fonts I also tried grabbing a copy of the fonts bundled with maya:

cp -Ra /usr/autodesk/lib/fonts /usr/share/fonts/mayafonts
fc-cache -vfs                                             ## rebuild font cache


License Types

There are 3x types of licensing for autodesk products.

  • standalone (only current machine)
  • floating (5 licenses shared between 10x machines)
  • network (5 licenses shared between 5x machines)

adlmreg is the tool to register your maya install (or set your license, and determine the type of license that you will be using. /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2017/MayaConfig.pit configures this registration information. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE, it is not where your registration info is stored.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R11/lib64    \
   /usr/autodesk/maya2017/bin/adlmreg            \
   -i S 657I1 657I1 2017.0.0.F 666-69696969      \

## the license type is determined by the string:   -i S
-i F  ## floating
-i S  ## standalone
-i N  ## network

License Errors

The method that these are communicated with you varies a little between maya releases. Generally, it is printed in the first error notice that is either printed on the CLI, or the first (and least user-friendly) error window.

The format of the errorcode is major.minor.micro. The major error is the most meaningful, and usually enough to get a grips with what is going on. All error codes are documented in the FlexLM manual. Note that the errorcodes distinguish between positive and negative values.

unable to communicate with license server (server is down, or on incorrect port)