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Makefiles are automation built around shellscripts,
they are normally used to codify build instructions, but can be used for anything.


Gnu Makefile conventions
Text Function Reference (ex: ($shell ..) $(patsubst ..))
Automatic Variables (ex: $@, $<)


university of maryland tutorial
mrbook tutorial


make usage
make basics
make examples


make					## compile
make -d v    		## additional debug information
make clean			## delete all .o files and program

Core Concepts

At it's core, a makefile is responsible for doing 3x things:

  • configuring compiler to use, and compiler-flags
  • defining program to compile, and all the object-files it is dependent on
  • defining each object-file, it's cpp/header files, and all other dependent header files


The following examples all make reference to a sourcetree that looks like the following.

    main.c       # includes libhello.h

Each example below is a little cleaner than the last, but a little more abstract.

ex 1: compile everything, every time

This will get the job done, but will recompile every file every time. Not very efficient.

# =============
# configuration
# =============

# compiler
CC = gcc                    # compiler
DEBUG = -g                  # compiler's debug flag (so can use gdb)
STD = c99                   # the C-standard to compile with
CFLAGS = -Wall $(DEBUG)     # compile-executable flags
LFLAGS = -Wall -c $(DEBUG)  # compile-object (.o) flags

# =============
# build targets
# =============

# default/implied 'make' argument
# target: depends1 depends2 ...
	test -d bin   || mkdir bin
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(CFLAGS) build/main.c build/libhello.c -o bin/main

	test -d bin   && rm -rf bin

ex 2: Compile .o for each file, then combine

This is much more efficent. Every file gets compiled to .o (only as-needed), then those .o files are built into your final executable.

My chief complaint here is that this makefile is going to require an exceptional amount of maintenance, defining every single .o file.

# =============
# configuration
# =============

# compiler
CC = gcc                    # compiler
DEBUG = -g                  # compiler's debug flag (so can use gdb)
STD = c99                   # the C-standard to compile with
CFLAGS = -Wall $(DEBUG)     # compile-executable flags
LFLAGS = -Wall -c $(DEBUG)  # compile-object (.o) flags

# =============
# build targets
# =============

# default/implied 'make' argument
# target: depends1 depends2 ...
bin/main:  build/main.o build/libhello.o
	test -d bin   || mkdir bin
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(CFLAGS) build/main.o build/libhello.o -o bin/main

# other possible 'make' arguments
# ex: make clean
# ex: make build/main.o
	test -d build || mkdir build
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(LFLAGS) src/main.c -o $@

	test -d build || mkdir build
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(LFLAGS) src/libhello.c -o $@

	test -d build && rm -rf build
	test -d bin   && rm -rf bin

ex 3: low-maintenance makefile

This produces exactly the same result as the 2nd-example, but it performs additional automation within the makefile.

  • sourcfiles are found automatically
  • .o file definitions and dependencies are produced automatically
# =============
# configuration
# =============

# compiler
CC = gcc                    # compiler
DEBUG = -g                  # compiler's debug flag (so can use gdb)
STD = c99                   # the C-standard to compile with
CFLAGS = -Wall $(DEBUG)     # compile-executable flags
LFLAGS = -Wall -c $(DEBUG)  # compile-object (.o) flags

# targets
SRCS = $(shell find src/ -type f -name '*.c')
OBJS = $(patsubst src/%,build/%,$(SRCS:.c=.o))

# =============
# build targets
# =============

# default/implied 'make' argument
# target: depends1 depends2 ...
bin/main:  $(OBJS)
	test -d bin   || mkdir bin
	@echo $(OBJS)
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o bin/main    ## IMPORTANT: if this is cpp, before $(OBJS) you must include the target's .cpp file

# .o-target for each .c-file
build/%.o: src/%.c
	test -d build || mkdir build
	$(CC) -std=$(STD) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $<

# other 'make' arguments
	test -d build && rm -rf build
	test -d bin   && rm -rf bin
  • $@ is the file being generated
  • $< name of first prerequisite




The makefile itself seems quite flexible with how you use it, but there seems to be an agreed-upon standard for what variables refer to what. Here are some of the more common variables:

PROG=		## name of output executable
OBJS=		## name of all *.o files to be included (?)

CC=		## compiler name
DEBUG=	## compiler flags for debug-mode (allow use of gdb)
CFLAGS=	## compiler flags for *.o object-file compilation
LFLAGS=	## compiler flags to determine libraries (?)


The majority of your makefile defines files to be compiled, and their dependencies. You can define as many executables or *.o as you like, but by default only the first program (and all

  • .o files it is dependent on) are compiled.
Movie.o: Movie.cpp Movie.h OtherModule.h
	g++ -Wall -c Movie.cpp


make builtins

gnu-make has a subset of commands that you can use within your makefile.

See excellent documentation: .

@command              # run cli-command
$(shell  command)     # assign output of cli-command to var

$(subst from,to,text)
$(patsubst %.c,%.o,file1.c file2.c file3.c)  # '%' is a wildcard match. '%'s value is preserved in replacement
$(var:pattern=replacement)                   # single variable pattern-replacement

create directory

Occasionally, it makes sense to specify the creation of directories in your makefile. (such as creating a /bin directory that can be put in .gitignore). You can do this with the following snippet:

BINDIR = bin
   dummy_build_folder := $(shell mkdir -p $(BINDIR))

echo variable

Sometimes it's handy to try to figure out just what exactly your compiler is running. You can do this. using a prefix of @ runs a shell command.

	@echo "_INCL:   $(_INCL)"
	@echo "_SRCDIR: $(_SRCDIR)"
