Linux CLI Intro
From wikinotes
TAB # Autocomplete filename, program, etc
CTRL + L # Clear Terminal Screen
apropos <command> # list man pages related to command
man <command> # show man page
<command> --help # show brief help for params
pwd # print current working dir
mkdir -p /mnt/usb/blah # make directories
test -d /mnt/usb # returns 1 if /mnt/usb exists and is directory
touch /mnt/usb/file # create file, if not exists
rm -rf /mnt/usb # recursively delete /mnt/usb and contents
df -h /mnt # list remaining space
du -h file # list size
ncdu /mnt # walk dirs by size
fdisk -l # list disks
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb # mount a disk-partition to /mnt/usb
umount /mnt/usb # unmount /mnt/usb
Process Management
ps -aux # list running processes
top # watch processes, sorted by cpu/memory etc
pkill <program> # kill processes associated with <program>
kill <pid> # send SIGKILL signal to process with <pid>
free -m # list avail memory
shutdown now # shutdown pc
reboot # reboot
Screen Locking
physlock | from cli, lock all displays, require password before logging back in |
archive management
bzip2 -d filename.tar.bz2 # extract bz2
tar -xvf filename.tar # extract tarfile
unzip # extract zipfile