Kinesis savant elite 2

From wikinotes

A configurable 3x pedal unit made by kinesis.


full manual
quickstart manual
firmware updates


On the underside of the pedals, there is a circular hole.
Slide the switch horizontally so that green button flashes to enter configuration mode.
This will expose a disk drive to your computer.


# identify, and mount raw-disk (not partition!)
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/usb-ATMEL_AT45DBX_Data_Fla_*
sudo mount /dev/sdd /mnt/usb
# ${/dev/sdd}/active/pedals.txt

# (I don't have these)


Double click SE2 SmartSet App (Win).exe) and configure.



Macos does not allow you to combine modifiers on one keyboard, and keypresses on another (ex: ctrl on footpedal, t on keyboard).

  • Ignore the identify keyboard prompt from macos.
  • You'll need to install, and allow permissions for karabiner.
    It will create a virtual keyboard, then allow you to combine keypresses between different keyboards (ex: ctrl on footpdal, t on keyboard).
  • Clear any modifications on all keyboards in Settings > Keyboards > Modifier Keys.
  • Within Karabiner assign the following to Apple Internal Keyboard
left_option -> left_command
left_command -> left_option
capslock -> left_control
  • Everything should work as expected.

Undocumented macos modifiers are not required, but here are their names:


SmartSet New MacOS versions require 64-bit programs, the latest smartset app is too large for the pedals to record it.
Just edit pedals.txt instead.



Layout Usage:

  • rest right foot on middle pedal
  • alt used more frequently than mod, rotating foot left easier than right