Jinja2 syntax

From wikinotes


{# a comment -#}


You have access to the same base-variables that you would in python, but scope is treated very differently.

{% set variable = 3 %}
my_variable: {{ variable }}

{% set mylist = [ 'a', 'b', ] %}
{% do mylist.append( 'c' ) %}

{% set mydict = {'a':0}        %}
{% do mydict.update( {'b':1} ) %}

It is very important to note that scope is treated very differently than it is in Python. Normal variable scope is contained within it's if-statement or for-loop. This means if you are trying to modify a variable to create an exit-condition, under normal circumstances it will not work.

This can be worked around by using a list or a dict, and rather than using set to set the value, use do to update/append a value. Lists/Dicts when used this way have scope within the entire file.

{% set exit_condition = [] %}

{% for item in mylist %}

	{% if not exit_condition %}
	{% endif %}

	{% do exit_condition.append(1) %}

{% endfor %}



Filters are exceptionally useful, they provide a lot of the conveniences you are used to from python. See http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/#builtin-filters

custom filters

   import jinja2

   def pad( value, padding ):
      """ padding ex: '###' """
      return str(value).zfill( len(padding) )

   env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.DictLoader({}) )
   env.filters['pad'] = pad
   template = env.from_string( '/some/file/path{{ 1 | pad("###") }}.ma' )
   >>> '/some/file/path001.ma'


{% set mylist = ['a','b','c'] %}

my_list_items: {{ mylist | join(" ") }}
## 'a b c'


{% set mystr = "j jonah jameson" %}

my_newstr: {{ mystr | replace( "j" "J ) }}
## 'J Jonah Jameson'


In addition to passing a dictionary of variable-values to jinja, you can pass functions/objects!

from   __future__    import unicode_literals
import jinja2

# ===================================
# classes/methods you want available
# ===================================
class MyClass( object ):
	def __init__(self):
		self.name = 'TestName'
		self.num  = 1

def join_list( list ):
	return ','.join(list)

# ==================
# Add to environment
# ==================
env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.DictLoader({}) )
env.globals['join_list'] = join_list
env.globals['MyClass']   = MyClass

# ===============
# Use in template
# ===============
template = env.from_string(
    'hey this is {{ MyClass().name }}, check out list {{ join_list([1,2,3]) }}.'
>>> 'hey this is TestName, check out list 3,2,1.'