Java maven plugin: junit

From wikinotes

The configuration varies between versions of JUnit.

JUnit 5


maven surefire docs


mvn test                          # run all tests
mvn test -Dtest=AppTest           # run specific module
mvn test '-Dtest=*Test'           # match modules
mvn test '-Dtest=*#test_*_equal'  # match methods


Test modules are run if they match the following

**/Test*.java    // preferred


basic configuration

pom.xml configuration

<project ...>
    <!-- junit itself -->

    <!-- test runner -->

Sample JUnit 5 code

package com.example.YourApp;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class Test_YourApp {
    void example_assertion()
        Assertions.assertEquals(true, true);

Run tests

mvn test                          # run all tests
mvn test -Dtest=AppTest           # run specific module
mvn test '-Dtest=*Test'           # match modules
mvn test '-Dtest=*#test_*_equal'  # match methods



If none of these are working,

  • be careful that your test isn't just failing.
  • make sure you are not expecting output from a mock object.

(Option A) stdout/stderr in console (needs configuration)

using CLI params

mvn test -Dsurefire.useFile=false

saved to configuration


(Option B) stdout/stderr logfiles (default)

vim target/surefire-reports/<groupId>.<class>-output.txt

(Option C) Configure JUnit5 to allow stdout/stderr (least optimal, but lowest level)

If JUnit is not configured to record stout/stderr, no info will be made accessible to maven-surefire.
