
From wikinotes


These docs are a mess, and highlight the wrong info. To be reorganized. 

IPython is an interactive python shell, with all of the niceties that you have come to expect from an actual shell.

  • colours
  • tab autocomplete
  • auto-reload all before each run
  • all of these features within a debugger
  • readline support

ipython is a python module that is a CROSS-LANGUAGE interpreter. Config once, and use for python, haskell, and many others. Complete with tab completion, syntax highlighting etc. very cool.


As of the move to IPython 5.0, the documentation is in the progress of being hosted on Read The Docs. IPython also incorporated some other projects, and their configuration is also independent of ipython's own.

http://python-prompt-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ IPython5.0 readline replacement (see here for vi-style keys)
http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ IPython5.0 documentation
https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/ Legacy IPython documentation
https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/IPython-kernels-for-other-languages Other Lang Kernels (C#, Haskell, Julia,...)


~/.pythonrc.py python init file
~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py ipython config
~/.ipython/<profile>/startup/ scripts in this folder are run on startup
import IPython	
IPython.utils.path.get_ipython_dir()				## Find loaded profile

%load_ext autoreload										## Autoreload all modules before each run
%autoreload 2


cd /path/to/files										## ipython has basic shell capabilities
run script.py											## run a script (even if not on pythonpath)

vim editing mode

ipython --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode=vi  ## use editing-mode vi without an ipython config

readable colours on windows

If using cmder, use XTERM colourscheme. You can set highlighting_style to any pygments style.

python -m IPython \
    --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode=vi \


IPython initiates the logger before your programs are run, so all of the settings that you normally have set using logging.basicConfig() are ignored. You can modify them by using logging.root, which accesses the root logger's options.

logging.root.level = logging.DEBUG


I'm not sure why, but ipython does not create manpages. Nor do they host their CLI documentation on the web. (I have no idea why not...).

In order to get help from ipython:

ipython --help-all		## generic commands
ipython help kernel		## information about specific subcommands


There are kernels for other languages available to ipython.

ruby iruby