I3 tips and tricks

From wikinotes

Hiding Mouse

Having the mouse in the middle of the screen gets annoying. Originally I solved this by using xdotool, but due to it's interference when using controllers in games, I switched to a much cleaner solution unclutter.

### xdotool method (old)
# DESC: for every window-operation, move the mouse to the bottom of the display
bindsym		$mod+h				focus left     ;exec "xdotool mousemove_relative --sync 0 1000"
### unclutter method (new)
unclutter -idle 5

10 workspaces per-monitor

I was able to do this by leveraging python python-xlib, parxing xrandr output, and issuing commands to i3-msg.


window border colour

#                     {bg color}
client.focused #859900 #859900 #fdf6e3 #859900