Golang afero

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Revision as of 17:55, 22 July 2022 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Basics)

Afero defines and implements an interface to access the filesystem.
You can then pass in an abstraction of real os calls, or a stub stub interface you can make assertions against.


github https://github.com/spf13/afero



import "github.com/spf13/afero"

appfs := afero.NewOsFs()     // real 'os' calls
appfs := afero.NewMemMapFs() // memory backed fake filesystem
// there are several additional options, like sftp, CopyOnWriteFs, ...

// creates on disk, or in memory (depending on appfs val)

// utils exposed in different imports
import "afero/ioutil"

ioutil.ReadFile(appfs, "/var/tmp/foo.txt")

There are no assertions, when testing use the API to check the presence/contents of the file.
There are however some additional utils that are helpful, both in testing and production code (ex. appfs.DirExists()).