
From wikinotes

It is considered a good practice to label your disk drives, so that in the event of an issue, you can quickly identify the partition against it's physical disk.

naming scheme

I'm using a modified version of Allan Jude's recommendations for partition-labelling.

## s0d0p0-4HAX0H		## Example Drive Name

s -- shelf      (physical shelf in the server)
d -- disk       (which disk in the server    )
p -- partition  (which partition this label is written to)
4HAX0H -- last 6x characters in Drive's Serial Number
          (these are generally printed on the drive itself)


glabel label -v sd0d1p2-4HAX0H /dev/ada0p2	## label a partition

glabel status											## show all labelled partitions

mount /dev/label/s0d0p2 /mnt						## mount a partition by it's label
															#  (this is supported in fstab as well)