Github ui

From wikinotes
Revision as of 15:31, 19 September 2021 by Will (talk | contribs)

PR/Issue Filters

# shopify
is:open is:pr -is:draft -reviewed-by:@me review-requested:@me
+is:pr                          # only include pull requests
-is:draft                       # remove drafts
-is:approved                    # removes approved (not if 1/2 approvals)
-reviewed-by:willjp             # removes approved by me
created:2020-03-01..2020-05-01  # created within range
created:<2020-03-01             # created before date

deploy keys

you can generate keys to provide read-only, or read-write access to a repo.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519   # a strong key<you>/<repo>/settings/keys/new   # url to add new deploykey

next we'll create entries within our ssh config for the repo.

Create an `alias` for, that will identify which deploykey you'll be using here.

Host <alias-for-your-repo>
    IdentityFile  /home/you/.ssh/deploykey
    User git

Finally, clone the git repository using your alias instead of

git clone <alias-for-your-repo>:<you>/<repo>


Your alias must be a word, not a full address. Some examples:

  • git will not recognize myrepo:/you/myrepo as an alias
  • your alias cannot resolve to your repo ex: git clone {alias} is not sufficient. You will need to use git clone {alias}:you/repo.