
From wikinotes

AWK is a scripting language that was originally designed for manipulating tables and presenting them in human-readable formats. It is useful on the commandline, I'd prefer to use a more powerful language than awk than use it for scripting.


There are two main variations of the unix coreutils (Gnu/BSD), each has different parameters etc. If you are expecting to use awk across different platforms, make no assumptions.


gawk usage
gawk variables
gawk datatypes
gawk conditionals
gawk loops



var = 0;
while ( var < 10 ) {
   print var;
   var += 1;

print, printf, sprintf


Your basic print, like echo.

Multiple items can be printed separated by a comma. They will be output with a space between them by default. $0 prints the entire submitted line

echo "hello" | awk '{$0,"goodbye"}' 
> hello goodbye

$1, $2, $3 etc. prints each entry separated by a token. The default token is a single space.

echo "one two three four" | awk '{print $1 $3}'
> one three


By default, every print statement is converted to a string. printf allows you to control the output type, and the spacing of elements

%s    # string
%f    # floating point
%i    # integer
%E    # scientific notation
%4s   # string (padded to 4 characters)
%.4s  # string (max 4 characters, truncated if necessary)
echo "one two three" | awk '{ printf(   "%10s %5s %-10s %s",    $1,$2,$3,"\n"   ) }'
>          one     two three
printf statements must be encased in parentheses. The first section specifies the format.

--left alignment
%10s means that the first entry ($1 in this case) is a string and will have a 
'column' 10 characters wide from the start of the word.
ex: {one.......}

--right alignment
%-10s means that the entry ($3) will have a column 10 characters wide, but starting at the end of the word.
ex: {.....three}

you could also just as easily print an integer with:

echo "10.459" | awk '{ printf( "%i", $1) }'
> 10


sprintf is syntactically identical to printf except that instead of printing to the standard output, it is designed to be printed to a variable.

echo "8.234" | awk '{var = sprintf("%f", $1); print var}'


You can't call awk -F from within an awk script. But you can use split to tokenize within an awk script.

split("this is my string", a, " ")
a[1] = this
a[2] = is
echo "aaa bbb cc/11/22" \
    | awk '{ split($3, a, "/"); print(a[2]); }'  
    # 11


awk has no way of measuring size of an array. You can however use split on a variable, and count the number of tokens


awk array indexes start at 1


match checks for a matching string, returns char number if found, otherwise returns a 0

match($0, "searchterm")
echo "abcdefg" | awk '{var=match($0, "cd"); print var}'
#> 3

echo "abcdefg" | awk '{var=match($0, "zef"); print var}'
#> 0

echo "abcdefg" | awk '{ 
   if(match($0, "cd")) { 
       print "match found"; 
#> match found


Executes a command in shell or cmd from an awk script. Assigning to a variable only gives return value (1,0)

system(ls -la);


var+= 1;
var=( (100/2) * 3 );
