Far manager

From wikinotes

far manager is a terminal file manager. It was nice, but I have since replaced it with vifm (which works both for unix, and windows).

Far Manager is an extendable file manager that supports mouse integration. It is very awesome.

UI Hotkeys
Alt + ~
Filter current folder contents (start typing filename you want)
Ctrl 1-9
View modes
Ctrl + Q
Quick Preview Mode
Switch Panes
Ctrl + left, right
Move Split left or right.
Ctrl + Space
Tab Completion
File Management Hotkeys
F5, F6
Copy To, Rename/Move To (can copy to current dir)
Shift+F5, Shift+F6
Copy to current Dir
New Folder
Ctrl + PGUP
Up One Directory (or My computer if reach top)
Shift + Del
Delete Currently Selected File(s)
Alt + Lclick selection
Mutli-selection mouse
Alt + Shift + Insert
Copy File Path to clipboard

Personal Hotkeys
Alt + J, K
Up, Down
Alt + <,>
Up Dir, Down Dir

Far Settings:

%appdata%/Roaming/Far Manager/Profile
farManager 3 database location
farManager 3 registry key list + explanations (useful for finding database entries)

Far was originally saved all of it's settings in the windows registry. Much of far's \ documentation still points to the registry, or the use of xml \ files to temporarily load registry files when far 3 is run. This is not the case. \ far3 and all of it's plugins stores their configuration info in SQLite3 databases.

SQlite3 Navigation:

## open an sqlite3 database:
sqlite3 AddressBook.sqlitedb

## list all tables:

## switch mode to line (get column names)
.mode line

## list objects in a table
select * from <tablename>;

      key = XLat
      name = Table1
      value = 
   #each of the above lines is a column in the table general_config

## Query A value
select value from general_config where name = 'Flags';

## Modify Value
update <tablename> set <value>='<desiredValue>' where <columnName>;


generalconfig.db This is the main config file.

## Set Number of Lines to Scroll (mouse wheel)
sqlite3 %appdata%/roaming/far manager/profile/generalconfig.db update general_config set value='5' where name='MsWheelDelta';
sqlite3 %appdata%/roaming/far manager/profile/generalconfig.db update general_config set value='5' where name='MsWheelDeltaEdit';
sqlite3 %appdata%/roaming/far manager/profile/generalconfig.db update general_config set value='5' where name='MsWheelDeltaHelp';
sqlite3 %appdata%/roaming/far manager/profile/generalconfig.db update general_config set value='5' where name='MsWheelDeltaView';

Far Plugins:

PanelTabs: Tab Integration in Far Manager. Extract version of paneltabs that corresponds with Far 3.0, and x64.

# In ConEmu Settings, <Keys & Macro> Mark/Copy > Deselect everything under select with mouse.
# The next time you run Far Manager, pres ctrl + up so there is space to see the tabs.


### Create Aliases for folders in far.
cd C:\users\will\documents\~Portable
cd::portable											## --> creates alias for cd:portable at current location. 

<F11> NamedFolders > Open Panel					## --> List all bookmarks (no folder options)

MultiView: If one of two panels is set to 'quickview', you will see a preview of the media. Supports pictures, animated gifs, pdfs, psds etc.