Fallout4 Console

From wikinotes


fallout4 console commands https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands
skyrim console commands https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console
Fallout4 quest IDs https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_quests (use formid/stageid)

Console Basics

player.moveto  {item/player/location code}
player.additem {itemcode}
help                             # print all items/codes
help  {itemname} 4               # get item code (ex: 'help cloth 4')
bat file.txt                      # execute all console-commands from a .txt file

Character Customization

showlooksmenu  14  # showracemenu is deprecated
# NOTE: if your camera gets stuck, enter vats (hold Q) then exit (Tab)


item codes

cloth 000aec5f
adhesive 001bf72e
oil 001bf732
gear 0006907e
.38 ammo 0004ce87
stimpack 00023736


Fast travel is performed using either player.moveto {item/npccode} or coc {locationname}.

See Fallout4 Locations.


setstage <quest/formid> <stage#>  # set progress
player.modav experience <amount>  # add experience
sqt                          # list current quests
completequest <questid>      # complete quest?
setstage <questid> <stage#>  # set progress
getstage <questid>           # list progress on quest
movetoqt <questid>           # move to quest marker
sqs <questid>                # list stages of quest


Troubleshoot Loaded Settings

saveini                     # saves a .ini with current settings 
                            # (`Data/${LAST_LOADED_PLUGIN}.ini` - loaded if (plugin.esp) active)
refini                       # load/reapply all settings from Skyrim.ini, .ini's matching loaded .esp files
ShowGlobalVars              # print all global vars
set ${GLOBAL_VAR} ${VALUE}  # set a global var

Valdacil/DEF_UI Item/Icon Codes


All of these codes can be found in steamapps/common/Fallout 4/Data/Interface/DEF_CONF/DEF_INV_TAGS.xml.

I uncommented the following so that I could assign them myself:

  • 6a Top
  • 6b Bottom
  • 6c Sneakers
  • 6d Boots


# ranged
'pipe pistol (.38)':        [2p HMP]     # M9 pistol, pipe pistol
'Colt N9 (10mm)':           [2m HP]
'Remington Rifle (.308)':   [2e SAR]
'revolver (.44)':           [2lb REV]    # kelogg's revolver, S&W
'laser rifle (cell)':       [2k LR]      # righteous authority, etc

# melee
'Chinese Officer Sword':    [4dd Jiang]


'fedora':   [2c hat]
'gas mask': [2f Full-Mask]

# under-armour
'vaultsuit':  [1s Vault-Tec]
'biosuit':    [1c Biosuit]

# over-armour
'trenchcoat': [1l Rugged]

# mods only
'shirts':      6a Top
'bottoms':     6b Bottom
'boots/shoes': 6d Boots


'leather':  |1q Leather|