Elite Dangerous: Thrustmaster T.Flight v2

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Revision as of 22:59, 10 March 2021 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Controls)
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Created in 2021, I now have a VR headset so I'd prefer less functionality bound to the keyboard.
I'd also like to keep closer to the defaults, if possible.

  • to scan, equip scanner, and trigger
  • to supercruise, retract landing-gear, hardpoints, .., navigate outside of large object's gravitational field, target the system, throttle up and B4.


provision keybindings with salt


C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings\*
/mnt/disk/games/steam/steamapps/compatdata/359320/pfx/dosdevices/c:/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous/Options/Bindings/*
elite keybindings dir




  reset HMD orientation: F2  # default F12 takes screenshot in steam

flight thrust:
  thrust up:   J9
  thrust down: J10

flight miscellaneous:
  supecruise: j              # initiate supercruise(even if target obscured)

mode switches:
  switch cockpit mode: J12 (ST)

  cargo scoop: J8


Joystick inputs are not mapped the same under linux as under windows.
Unfortunately, this means a lot of rebinding...

curiously, many of these presets were correct - but needed rebinding anyways..

  reset HMD orientation: F2

flight rotation:
  yaw axis:   (turn joystick) # regular

flight thrust:
  lateral thrust axis:  j-rocker  # regular
  thrust up:     j9
  thrust down:   j10

interface mode:
  next panel tab:  j-rocker right
  prev panel tab:  j-rocker left

flight miscellaneous:
  supercruise: j

mode switches:
  switch cockpit mode: J12 (ST)

  cargo scoop: J8



      F2:      reset HMD orientation
      A/S/D/W: strafe during landing
      R/F:     strafe up/down

      +-- toggle orbit lines
    /  (comms panels) (L, TL, C, R)
   /    +-------+
  /    /         \
| = | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |
|     |   | W |   | R |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |     |
|      | A | S | D | F |   |   | J |   |   |   |   |  Enter |       +-- M: (joy6) toggle scan/combat mode (both supercruise/normal)
|------'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'--------|       |
|        |   |   |   |   |   |   | M |   |   |   |          |  -----+-- J: supercruise (even if target obscured)
| ctrl |  | alt |                          | alt  |  | ctrl |
'------'  '-----'--------------------------'------'  '------'


        (   ?   )                             ?: thrust left/right
   /-----\    /-----\     (9) (10)            9: thrust up
  ------------------------------------\      10: thrust down
  |                              (5)   \
  |                                    |      5: boost
  \                                (6) |      6: cycle weapons
   -------------\                      |      7: 
                |                  (7) |      8: cargo scoop
                |                      |
                \                      |
                 \           ( 8 )    /
                     |          |
                     |          |
                     |          |
         /                       (?)       \        ?:
        /                                   \      11: deploy hardpoints
       /                     (11)   (12)     \     12: switch cockpit mode (M)

         |(1)|                               1: fire primary
     /-------------------------+---\         2: 
    /   (U)      +-----+ +----+ \   \        3: target ahead
   /     |       |     | |    |  \(3)\       4: toggle supercruise
  / (L)-(o)-(R)  | (2) | | (4)|   \   \
  +      |        \    | |    +    \   \     o-U: 
  |     (D)        \   | |   /      +--+     o-D: 
  |                 +--+ +--+         |      o-L: 
  \                                   |      o-R: 
   \                                  |
    +----+                     /------+
         |                    /
         |                   |
         |                   |



        (   ?   )                             ?: tab left/right
   /-----\    /-----\     (9) (10)            9: 
  ------------------------------------\      10:
  |                              (5)   \
  |                                    |      5: 
  \                                (6) |      6: 
   -------------\                      |      7: 
                |                  (7) |      8: 
                |                      |
                \                      |
                 \           ( 8 )    /
                     |          |
                     |          |
                     |          |
         /                       (?)       \        ?:
        /                                   \      11: 
       /                     (11)   (12)     \     12: 

         |(1)|                               1: select
     /-------------------------+---\         2: 
    /   (U)      +-----+ +----+ \   \        3: 
   /     |       |     | |    |  \(3)\       4: 
  / (L)-(o)-(R)  | (2) | | (4)|   \   \
  +      |        \    | |    +    \   \     o-U: menu up
  |     (D)        \   | |   /      +--+     o-D: menu down
  |                 +--+ +--+         |      o-L: menu left
  \                                   |      o-R: menu right
   \                                  |
    +----+                     /------+
         |                    /
         |                   |
         |                   |