Docker install

From wikinotes


sudo pacman -S docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker

sudo docker info            # test that daemon is running
sudo usermod -a -G docker will  # add user to 'docker' group, so can run docker as non root
newgrp                          # (load group changes in current shell)


Macos 10.13+

MacOS < 10.3(High Sierra)

#  # Downnload/install Virtualbox
brew cask install virtualbox
brew install docker                        # Install Docker/Boot2Docker
brew install boot2docker
boot2docker init

eval $(boot2docker shellinit)              # This must be run for each shell session
                                           # you are going to interface with docker from
                                           # (sets environment vars)

docker info                                # Confirm boot2docker connection


likely similar to osx