
From wikinotes
Revision as of 05:22, 29 January 2023 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎XML)

Inspired by jq and yq, but operates on json, yaml, toml, xml, csv.
Totally standalone, no runtime dependencies.

I'm not certain you can append to a list,


official docs https://daseldocs.tomwright.me/
github https://github.com/TomWright/dasel


# modify 'foo.yml', adding obj['category']['three'] = "3"
dasel put string \
    -f foo.yml \
    '.category.three'  '3'

# print 'foo.yml',
#   with obj['category']['three'] = "3" added,
#   while also preserving comments
# see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14282617/hunk-1-failed-at-1-whats-that-mean
diff \
    <(dasel -f foo.yml) \
    <(dasel put string -f foo.yml -o - '.category.three' '3') \
    | patch -o - foo.yml


string:    string
int:       integer
bool:      true/false
object:    a set of key/value pairs (can be assigned to objects of various types)
document:  a json/yaml/toml/... object (can be put into documents of other types)

File Formats


cat out.csv | dasel -p csv -m '.-'


See https://github.com/TomWright/dasel-docs/blob/master/examples/xml.md


# COUNT number of matching elements
cat config.xml \
  | dasel -r xml '.configuration.device.len()'

# QUERY property value (ex. <device id="foo">)
cat config.xml \
  | dasel -r xml '.configuration.device.[0].-id'

# FILTER devices, with a 'name' property, that equals 'mordin'
# (ex. <device name="mordin"></device>...<device name="foo"></device>
cat config.xml \
  | dasel -r xml '.configuration.device.all().filter(equal(-name,mordin))'


# REPLACE the contents of the LAST
# <configuration><device>...</device></configuration> with <a>1</a>
cat config.xml \
  | dasel put -r xml -v '<a>1</a>' \

# REPLACE the contents of the FIRST
# <configuration><device>...</device></configuration> with <a>1</a>
cat config.xml \
  | dasel put -r xml -v '<a>1</a>' \

# REPLACE the contents of the MATCHING element
cat config.xml \
  | dasel put -r xml -v '<foo></foo>' \

# APPEND a new element
cat config.xml \
  | dasel put -r xml -v '<a>1</a>' \