D&D 5e: Character Creation

From wikinotes

Appearance / Personality

- Race
- Height
- Ideals
- Bonds
- Flaws
- Alignment
- Age
- Size
- Speed
- Languages
- Subrace

Character Class

- Class
- Multiclassing (can be decided later)


Ability min/max

0-20  # ability min/max

Decide on initial attribute scores

- Roll '4d6' for each ability.
- Sum highest '3x'

# OR
- Assign '15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8' to abilities of your choosing

# OR (if DM approves)
- Distribute 27 points where you like

Final ability scores are adjusted based on value using this formula

(${LVL} // 2) - 5

Sample Result

STR 15 (+2)  # 17 (affects: encumbrance, most-melee, thrown, ..)
DEX 14 (+2)  # 16 (affects: armor-class, some-melee, ranged, thrown, ..)
CON 13 (+1)  # 14
INT 12 (+1)  # 13
WIS 10 (+0)  # 10
CHA  8 (-1)  #  7

Starting Items


Roll 2d10 (1-100) to determine your starting trinket (see table in player guide).


Starting Gold

barbarian  2d4 * 10
bard       5d4 * 10
cleric     5d4 * 10
druid      2d4 * 10
fighter    5d4 * 10
monk       5d4
paladin    5d4 * 10
ranger     5d4 * 10
rogue      4d4 * 10
sorceror   3d4 * 10
warlock    4d4 * 10
wizard     4d4 * 10