
From wikinotes


sudo pacman -S cups 
pacman -S capt-src
# 1) add your user to group 'lp'
gpasswd -a will lp  

# 2) reboot
sudo reboot

# 3) connect printer via usb

# 4) enable/restart cupsd
systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service
systemctl restart org.cups.cupsd.service

# 5) 
# find *.ppd in the /usr/share/cups/model/ directory)
# (see ppd for mapping of ppd to drivers)
lpadmin \
  -p LBP2900 \
  -m CNCUPSLBP2900CAPTK.ppd \
  -v ccp://localhost:59687 \

# 5) find printer (ex: /dev/usb/lp0)
# USB printer
/usr/bin/ccpdadmin -p /dev/usb/lp0 -o udev_device
# Wireless printer
ccpdadmin -p <Printer name> -o net:<IP address>

# 6) start ccpd service
sudo systemctl enable ccpd.service
sudo systemctl start ccpd.service