Batch filesystem

From wikinotes

Read File

REM read file line-by-line
set TEXT_T="C:\file.txt" 
for /f "eol= tokens=* delims= usebackq" %%i in (%TEXT_T%) do ( 
	echo %%i 
REM count lines in file
FINDSTR /R /N "^.*$" tmpFile.txt | FIND /C ":"
REM find all lines containing word
findstr "word" "file.txt"
REM Counts Instances of a character in a variable
@echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set str=C:\my\path\to\file
set C=\
set N=
if !str:~0^,1! equ !C! (
  set /a N+=1
if "!str:~1!" neq "" (
  set str=!str:~1!
  goto :loop
echo !N!

List Drives

fsutil fsinfo drives

Mounting Directory to DriveLetter

Mounting a Directory to a Drive letter is very useful if you are writing that is specific to a directory tree, and you want to work on it elsewhere. I wrote wp_testPadding.exe to copy a directory tree with empty files. If for instance I had recreated the Neverland_Pirates_3 folder from work, I could mount it to a drive letter, and all of my scripts would run.

subst W: D:\this\is\my\dir


echo USER BH_Design> ftpcmd.dat
echo Bountydesign1>> ftpcmd.dat
echo bin>> ftpcmd.dat
echo put %1 "%location%/%filename%">> ftpcmd.dat
echo close >> ftpcmd.dat
echo bye >> ftpcmd.dat
start /wait ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat ""
del ftpcmd.dat