Arch ABS

From wikinotes
Revision as of 18:28, 25 December 2021 by Will (talk | contribs)

The Archlinux ABS system allows you to modify and alter/recompile packages from the official repos.


official docs
package index


/var/abs Location of source files that you can compile from. equivalent to /usr/ports in BSD


pacman -S asp    # tool to checkout specific port


asp/git method

asp list-all            # list all ports
asp checkout ${PKG}     # downloads to current dir

# update pkg
cd ${PKG} && \
  asp update && \
  git pull

# Modify PKGBUILD (ex: update CFLAGS)

# build the package
cd ${PKG}/trunk && \
  makepkg -s
  sudo pacman -U *.tar.xz

svn method

sudo pacman -S svn
cd /home
svn checkout --depth=empty svn://

cd packages
svn update <package_name>               # grab latest
svn log    <package_name>   | less      # determine package release you want
svn update -r1729 <package_name>        # checkout specific package release

# build the package as you normally would
cd <package_name>/trunk
makepkg -s
sudo pacman -U *.tar.xz