Ansible install

From wikinotes

Ansible expects remote machines to share a similar environment to the machine you are using to control them. Every controlled machine must have a python interpreter, and it would be the best practice to manually define where each OS stores it's python interpreter. At this time, ansible requires python 2.x.



/usr/share/examples/ansible/* example hosts/ansible.cfg configs
/usr/local/etc/ansible/hosts defines machines to be controlled by ansible

setup ansible to control localhost

sudo pkg  install ansible
sudo pip2 install cryptography



ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521                                 # create ssh key
cat $HOME/.ssh/ >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys  # add yourself to allowed ssh users
sudo service sshd restart                                  # reload sshd with new config

test install

ansible all -m ping               # test that you can ping all entries in hosts file.
ansible all -a '/bin/echo hello'  # run command on all hosts