Qutebrowser addon qute-keepassxc

From wikinotes

Qutebrowser ships with a keepassxc integration.


github https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/misc/userscripts/qute-keepassxc


/usr/share/quteborwser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc location


1. Enable browser integrations in keepassxc

- open: keepassxc:
  - Tools/Settings:
    - Tab: Browser Integration:
      - [x] Enable browser integration

2. Install pynacl for python browser used by qutebrowser

qutebrowser_python=$(cat $(which qutebrowser) | head -n 1 | awk -F'#' '{ print $2 }')
$qutebrowser_python -m pip install pynacl

3. Create a personal gpg key.

qutebrowser will encrypt the token for this connection using it.
Find your key id with 'gpg --list-keys'

4. Add keybindings to config.py

# ~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py

config.bind('<Alt-p>', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key {}'.format(your_gpg_key_id), mode='insert')
config.bind('pw', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key {}'.format(your_gpg_key_id), mode='normal')



  • Login to keepassxc
  • Use either of your keybindings to trigger a password insertion.
    (ex. alt-p in insertmode, or pw in normalmode)


Starting with qutebrowser-3.0, the keepass extension supports multiple account selection.
It requires rofi be installed, however.