VimPlugin: vim-localvimrc

From wikinotes
Revision as of 01:04, 7 May 2023 by Will (talk | contribs)

project-specific vimrc files.

  • all directories in the current CWD are checked for a .lvimrc file to load
  • they are loaded in order of rootmost-CWD
  • you are asked for confirmation before loading, allowlists can be created




" allowlist directories so they do not re-confirm each time
let g:localvimrc_whitelist=[

" disable sandboxing (if you need to use functions, autocmd, etc..)
let g:localvimrc_sandbox = 0

Sample Script

The .lvimrc appers to be loaded every time a buffer is opened.
You'll need to follow a pattern like syntax-files to prevent it from being loaded multiple times.

let b:filepath = '~/progs/misc/journal/.lvimrc'
let g:lvimrc_read = get(g:, 'lvimrc_read', [])

" exit if already sourced
if (index(g:lvimrc_read, b:filepath) >= 0)

" ... your functions, commands, etc.

" mark file as sourced
call add(g:lvimrc_read, b:filepath)