
From wikinotes
Revision as of 17:29, 12 February 2023 by Will (talk | contribs) (→‎Users)

An SFTP/WebDav provider, with a UI, rest-API, and user/permission scheme, metrics etc.
It looks a bit heavyweight for just managing access to org files..


config docs https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/blob/main/docs/full-configuration.md
getting started https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/blob/main/docs/howto/getting-started.md
github https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo

Locations web admin
/usr/local/etc/sftpgo.json config file


pkg install sftpgo
service sftpgo start  # create admin user



By default uses sqlite, but can use postgres/mysql/cockroachdb.
Note that if you use sqlite, you won't be able to have concurrent connections.


Create an admin user in the webui
You can then create consumer users in the webui as well.
Mind the user settings, in particular the home dir, it does not look like you can change this after creation.

Once you've created a directory, you can create it in your filesystem and quickly confirm access with sftp.
You do not need a real system user account for these users.

sftp -P 2022 youruser@X.X.X.X  # provided password


common:         # defender, general connection settings
acme:           # SSL certificate management
sftpd:          # sftp configuration
ftpd:           # ftp configuration
webdavd:        # webdav configuration
data_provider:  # database configuration
httpd:          # web interface
telemetry:      # pushes metrics to prometheus
kms:            # configure key management
mfa:            # configure multifactor authentication
smtp:           # can send email

You can stop FTP/webdav, if you don't want to use the other services you'll need to block them in your firewall.

Some notable configuration options

    "common": {
        "defender": {
            "enabled": true, // ships with fail2ban