Sprak world functions

From wikinotes


GetUser()             # Identifies you as "Sebastian"
GetRoom()             # Identifies room being accessed from
GetHour()             # Gets hour, most TVs use this
GetType()             # Gets type of item (used in Trash Can)
GetPosition(name)     # Get Coordinates of a user (ex: Pixie) (only police computer...)

Human Attributes

Attributes can be modified on consumable items (beverages, ciggarettes, ...).

Drunkeness( 50)  # Standard Beer
Sleepiness(-25)  # Standard Coffee
Smelliness( 10)  # Standard Drink
Corruption(-25)  # Default Coke

QuickBoost()     # (?) Snus
FastForward()    # (?) Drug
Slurp()          # Move yourself to active connection


CreateDrink("Coke", 100)      # Creaate any arbitrary drink (haven't had success other thank coke...)
Delete()                      # Delete an item    (used in trashcan)
MoveToRoom("MonadsApartment") # Move item to room (used in trashcan)
Drink(25)                     # (?) sinks have this...


Info()                # Get Info about the running system (Speed, modem, floppy drive, memory, screen x/y )
Name()                # name of current computer

# User Input
var cmd = Input(">")  # save user-input to variable
IsKeyPressed("up")    # if user has key pressed

# Graphics
DisplayGraphics()     # (?) used on some computers
ClearText()           # Clear the screen
Print("abc")          # Print to screen

# Floppies
BootFromFloppy()      # Run a Floppy Diskette
var = LoadData()      # Get info on Floppy Diskette


# From Fusebox
powerTap = Connect("PowerTap")
name     = GetName()

# From Terminal