Git ssh

From wikinotes

You can host your git repos on your own servers using SSH.


Create Repo

On the remote server that you wish to store repo, create it.

cd /path/projectname
git init --bare

On your computer, create an empty repo, and push to remote server

git remote add origin ssh://git@gitbox:8610/home/git/my_project
git --set-upstream origin --all
git push

Clone Repo

From this point onwards, you can clone the repo like this:

git clone ssh://user@

You can also shorten it with an ssh config

# ~/.ssh/config
Host myhost
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey
  User user
git clone ssh://myhost:/path/to/repo

# you can also change the SSH command used
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/foo" git clone ssh://myhost:/path/to/repo

# you can also specify it in the git config, but you'll need to configure it for each clone


Git Shell

If you'd like to restrict this user's SSH access to git operations,
you can configure it's shell to be git-shell (included with git).

For example

adduser foo
chsh foo /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-shell

Git shell can further restrict which commands a user can perform over SSH,
Which you can use to configure (for example) authenticated, read-only access to a repo.

Read-Only Access

You can setup read-only access, by creating users and changing user/file permissions.
The safest route is probably creating a separate unix group for each repo,
then you can manage repo access by adding unix users to groups.